Friday, May 21, 2010

Essay Accomplice

Literary analysis is now something I am very comfortable with. I even find myself picking apart books I read for fun and going, "Oh, I think _____ might be a theme/motif/symbol/other literary device." Could that mean I have done too much of it? Can you ever do too much literary analysis? Yes. But now I can write an essay with more confidence and know it won't sound elementary level. I know what needs to be in each part of the essay and can do that with ease. Thanks to Mrs. Gilman and the 9th grade Honors English curriculum, essay writing and critiquing had become like a 6th sense.

Yet I also think that it is impossible to be a perfect essay writer. There's always something you can improve on and make better. For me that is not making my commentary too repetative. I sometimes feel like I am just reiterating what I already said instead of introducing new ideas. Maybe that's because I always choose such hard topics to write on that I have issues coming up with things to say. Who knows? But hopefully I'll fix that in 10th grade Honors English next year and become an even better essayist.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Why, you seem to be showing symptoms of TWISTaDIDLitis, a rare disease which occurs from too many essays written in too small a period of time. The remedy is simple, however: watch Ellen re-runs until your symptoms dissapear.
