Mayella Ewell has six red geraniums planted in chipped-enamel slop jars in one corner of the yard. I think that these flowers symbolize that she is different from the rest of her family. The geranium flower represents friendship, stupidity, and sadness. Mayella has never had a friend and thought Atticus was insulting her when he asked if she had one. She is stupid, for she had received under two years of schooling. Loneliness is another thing she is feeling. Being in the house all day watching after her younger siblings as if she was their mother has probably made her feel alone. When she sees Tom Robinson go by every day and learns that he will do whatever she asks, she begins to feel for him, but not real love. I believe she only felt lust and her loneliness drove her to such extremes. The six little geraniums pretty much describe who Mayella Ewell is and that is why they are the symbol I chose.
Flower meaning from: http://www.tokenz.com/meaning-of-flowers.html
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