Monday, September 28, 2009

i be reading a book.

So far, i am enjoying Frankenstein. I think it would be a little harder to get in to if i hadn't listened to the book talk on it and had only gone by how hollywood has it. It's sort of slow and not much happens for the first five chapters until he creates the monster. (i hope everyone knew he did that becaus other wise i just gave away a major part of the book.)

at this point, the dominate literary feature is motifs. There are about five main motifs that occure a lot so it was sort of obvious after i thought about it.

The author may be using these because they're trying to say that even though Victor is a fictional character, he is still like the rest of us and suffers from regular problems. He may be a mad scientist and trying to bring something back to life, he has issues.

The tone of the novel is sort of somber and a bit gloomy because two members of his family have died and one of them was murdered. The tone shifts a bit from chapter to chapter because one chapter he was almost happy and the first chapter was about his childhood and was sentimental.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Writing about reading

i read books. <3 <3 <3
i like to read in me room on me bed with me music playing loudly. i don't get into a book if the first few pages don't capture my attention. the book must be interesting with a good turn of events for me to like it.

i tend to lose my concentration when there is a lot of excess noise around me like conversations and the such. it just gets too hard to concentrate and get into the book when there is so much other stuff going on.

my reading style is usually fiction and fantasy. i love books that have nothing to do with the real world because i can live it only in my head. it's not like i can walk out my front door and get on a dragon to go to hogwarts. (man i really wish i could.) reading fantasy, to me, is just something to survive. if i read lots of non-fiction, i would die of boredom.